Our Pastor


Pastor Francis “Chuck” Barritt

Mission statement:

We will magnify the name of the only “one” true and living God, His Son, Jesus Christ and our Comforter and Guide, the Holy Spirit. 

Our mission is to love with the love of God and speak God’s Word to the lost and hurting world. 

Pastor Francis D. Barrit


Teresa Hawkins

Associate Minister

Teresa Hawkins is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God. She received her ministry education from the Berean School of the Bible through the Assemblies of God. She is currently the Assistant Minister at Arlington Assembly of God under the leadership of Pastor Chuck Barritt. Her past leadership roles included Youth and Children’s Pastor at Victory Assembly of God in Paducah, Ky for over 10 years and Teresa also ministered in the Kentucky prison and jail system for over 8 years. She currently resides with her husband of 25 years and her 4 children and 1 grandchild in the great town of Lakeland, Tn.